Understanding Cryptography by Christof Paar and Jan Pelzl - Chapter 4 Solutions - Ex4.15

- 2 mins

Exercise 4.15

Derive the bit representation for the following round constants within the key schedule:


This solution is verified as correct by the official Solutions for Odd-Numbered Questions manual.

Starting from \(RC[1] = 01\), \(RC[i] = 02 \times RC[i - 1]\,\mathrm{mod}\,P(x)\) where \(P(x)\) is the AES polynomial.

As such, the first 10 RC values are as follows:

\[R[1] = 1 = 00000001_2 = 01_{16}\] \[R[2] = x = 00000010_2 = 02_{16}\] \[R[3] = x^2 = 00000100_2 = 04_{16}\] \[R[4] = x^3 = 00001000_2 = 08_{16}\] \[R[5] = x^4 = 00010000_2 = 10_{16}\] \[R[6] = x^5 = 00100000_2 = 20_{16}\] \[R[7] = x^6 = 01000000_2 = 40_{16}\] \[R[8] = x^7 = 10000000_2 = 80_{16}\] \[R[9] = x^4 + x^3 + x + 1 = 00011011_2 = 1B_{16}\] \[R[10] = x^5 + x^4 + x^2 + x = 00110110_2 = 36_{16}\]

After 8 is where the reduction polynomial comes into play to bring the result back into the field.

I wrote a python script which can calculate any number of RC constants (This uses the Mod2Polynomial class I created for another exercise):

# coding: utf-8
from gf import Mod2Polynomial

if __name__ == "__main__":
    template = u"R[{}] = {} = {}₂ = {}₁₆"
    reduction_polynomial = Mod2Polynomial([1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1])
    poly = Mod2Polynomial([1])
    p02 = Mod2Polynomial([0, 1])
    print template.format(1, poly, poly.get_binary_representation(), "01")
    for i in range(2, 11):
        previous = poly
        poly = (previous * p02) % reduction_polynomial
        bin_rep = poly.get_binary_representation()
        print template.format(i, poly, bin_rep, hex(int(bin_rep, 2)).lstrip("-0x").zfill(2).upper())

Thomas Busby

Thomas Busby

I write about computing stuff

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